Saturday, August 14, 2010

my cat is fat.

to set the record straight, i don't mean he is literally overweight.
but i do have reason to believe that there is a tiny-french fry-loving person inside of him.
i'll be going into further investigation with this inquiry.

for those of you who don't know, my kittie Beauxregard (often referred to simply as Beaux), was a birthday gift from my very wonderful manfriend whom i like to mention periodically throughout blogs:] he's very handsome..and now very, very tan. AND WILL SOON BE TATTOOED! <-that's a funny word.

back to the cat: he's sassy, fluffy, spoiled, and white/cream with grey ears, face, feet, and tail. and his whiskers and ear hairs make him look like a tiny old man.
he tends to think he kind of runs the place..he even beats up the mexican cat, Rico! i don't know WHO gave him that liberty. certainly not his mum;] oh, and he loves to be held. and smooched. i've treated him much too much like a human child. i love him:)

ALRIGHT, on with the story..
so, my little sister loves french fries. LOVES them. one time we ordered a box of whataburger french fries, a large box, and snuck them into panera because...well because panera doesn't serve fries. oh, and when we were done eating she asked me to take her back to whataburger for more fries. i don't quite know where she puts it..haha, i love her.

BACK TO MY CAT. so anyway, when beaux was a baby i'd take him over to my big sister's house all the time. he actually didn't mind the car at all. such a good kittie. except when he tries to stare down the people in the cars next to us. he thinks he's the boss. it's a little embarrassing.
but yeah, long story short, i fed him french fries when allison (the big sister) and i would make chick-fil-a runs and eat in the car.
so. cat in the car eating french fries, got it?

well tonight, elizabeth wanted whataburger. so we went. she didn't finish her fries and left them in a bag on the kitchen counter. wellll, beaux is bigger now and he can jump onto the kitchen counter. you following me?

i heard some ruckuss in the kitchen.. i look over. nothing there.
i hear more ruckuss which has now caught the dog's attention. i yell at dog. dog scurries away. heh:)
i hear mooooore ruckuss. i look over. i see beaux with a whataburger bag on his head.

beaux backs up and falls off counter.

he's a dedicated kittie, i tell ya. this isn't the first time it has happened.
you know how normal cats sit at your feet when you open a can of tuna? they come and purr and walk all around your legs?
that's what my cat does when you are eating a box of french fries.
sigh. he's my little potato eater. just the way i like him:)

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