Tuesday, August 3, 2010

in high school you try to find yourself. you figure out the majority of your opinions on life. you go to pep rallies..occaisionally sing the school song in front of your entire student body and forget the words. there are days that are memorable. then there are days that fill in the gaps between the memorable days. you want to be liked. you don't want to be judged. you make decisions about how to act and what clothes to wear..usually sticking with the trusty jeans and t-shirt combo with your random choice of "cute" flats that supposedly tie your outfit together and help not make you any friggin' taller. you try to fit in or at least try not to stand out so you can slip by unnoticed. you think that you like the hollister look that every. single. person. and their mother wear in high school (then later come to your senses). you begin to not care what people think. most of them have horrible taste in activities (drinking and being nasty) and/ or in clothes (hot pink, camo-rhinestones and hollister jeans) anyways. you wake up late every morning. you go to prom and quickly realize how overrated it is. you automatically regret the decision of going in the first place. you find your comfortable, sweet friends and stick with them for four years. you cry in your last day of choir class. you have a crush on that one boy throughout all four years whom it never works out with because you're only "friend material" (later being over-joyed because you are now dating that really hot guy in college). you love high school and you hate high school. and with God on your side, you SOMEHOW pass all of your AP classes and government.

ok. in that paragraph, let's switch the word "you" with "I".

you know, for such a big deal that people make it out to be, it's surprisingly annoying. i loved high school, don't get me wrong..it's just all the hype.
eh, i don't like it.

in all honesty, you learn more your first year of college than you do your entire high school carreer. i'm sure whoever is reading finds me silly for stating such an obvious statement. but it's just weird to spend so much time focusing on such little things in high school, only to be set free into the real world where our decisions really begin to matter.

i'm thinkin' i might be mind blown when sophomore year starts. haha:]

it's a learning process.

and so far, i've learned that:

-boyfriends in college = WAY better idea

-clothes? heck..go crazy. wear all the stuff you wish you could've when you were too shy

-classes can be skipped only a certain amount of days.

-when you think you know EXACTLY what God wants for you, He'll set you straight.

-Foy Vance will get you through your first semester's sleep.

-best friends will make fart jokes with you. that's how you know which ones are keepers:)

and lastly...

high school (specifically the location) is dumb.

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